One of the very common error , students face day to day is
"You do not have the permissions to upload file to the folder“
"You do not have the permissions to upload file to the folder“
And as most of you aware that, chmod 777 <directory_name> is the command that gives you permission to Read/Write/Execute the the content of the folder , this article is about the number 777. Yes, what does it mean by the number 777 in the chmod ?
Each folder will have an 8-bit data for granting permissions. By default, 000 means, no permission is available. By granting Read permission, 4 bits are added to the data. By providing Write permission, 2 bits are added to the data. By providing execute permission, 1 bit is added to the data. So totally it's 7.
Now, immediately follow-up question is why 777?
First digit 7 grants permission to the owner
Second digit 7 grants permission to the group
Third digit 7 grants permission to others