Tuesday, 14 October 2014

SEO Copywriting

Effective SEO Copywriting should give a clear view of the idea flashed  in your mind. It can improve the link building. ” Who what why” can act as the popular keywords. Using Numbers also will attract some users. For example,” Top 10 Programming Sites”
Effective quotes can gain some impact.

General Tips:
Interlink your articles and Have useful external links for better performance.

Also I have mentioned the other tips that I came across!

Present the content well: 
If the search engine comes across the similar words again and again, then it will consider your content as spam .So be aware of it and present the content well.

Keyword density 
Keyword density is a probability of keyword or a keyword phrase, in proportion with other words, appears on a Web page. Overall keyword density increases with the increase in the usage of keywords. The more times that other words appear, the lower the possibility of keywords, thus it leads to lighter keyword density
The italic words are considered as the keywords by the search engine.So notify the search engine with the italic words .

META tags 
Google will get impressed if the TITLE and DESCRIPTION tags are similar or identical.

Numbered lists 
Try to use numbered content to get listed first . For example “10 easy tips to optimize the site “.This will maximize your output .

File names 

File names with keywords will be an added advantage.

Search Engine and Directory Submission
Directory submission is one of the very simple and must one to do to reach the target audience . For example, try  http://freewebsubmission.com/
Keyword stemming
keyword stemming is a a very useful tool in the world of SEO.The process of keyword stemming involves adding a prefix, suffix, or plurals to make the popular keyword into a new word.This is one of the main process that helps in increasing the website trafiic. 

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