Management is a very significant term. We use username/password to identify
ourselves online and identity management is under the hands of organizations
like Google, Facebook, etc that results in oversharing of information. A
practical example is, Anyone over 18 is eligible to vote but the Voter ID not
only reveals the age but overshares information like dob, address, etc Yeah!
Oversharing of information! This is an interesting case to solve. As a one-stop
solution, Self Sovereign Identity comes into the picture. The Decentralized
Identifiers (DID) acts as the identifier for the verifiable digital identity.
The holder of this DID will have complete control over his data rather than
having it under some organizations. It helps us in overcoming the problem of
information oversharing with its exciting properties like Decentralization,
Self-Sovereignty & Interoperability. The cryptography enables us to use
Zero-Knowledge proof to identify ourselves with ease with the help of ledger
technologies like blockchain. Oh ! This is super exciting to explore !! This
summer, Am one among the very few people selected by The Linux Foundation to
work on the hyper ledger projects!
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