Friday, 28 November 2014

How to Download the Chrome Extensions ?

Its very simple to download chrome extensions and save it for later use in various devices

Step 1 :

Go to the required extension page and copy the URL

Step 2 :

Click the following URL

and paste the extension link the provided box to download the required extension

Thursday, 20 November 2014

SQL Injection

SQL Injection is a web attack mechanism used by hackers to gain access to the unauthorized databases and other content. It can be commonly described as the application layer attack.

Reason Behind the attack

The main reason behind SQL injection is improper coding techniques employed in development. This sort of improper coding gives a way for hackers to inject the malicious SQL command that in turn fetches the required unauthorized content to the hackers.

What skills required for a hacker?

Mostly hackers perform few simple attacks by just having basic knowledge with web browsers, SQL, creative guesswork to find table and field names

Where it starts?

Most hackers start injecting the malicious SQL commands in  Login Pages or in Support and Product request forms easily

Why Login pages act as the best place to start hacking?

Basically, SQL injection starts from login pages. During the login process, the user types the credentials (i.e. username and password) which is matched against the content that exists in the database. Hackers use this communication gap. They bypass access by interrupting this communication. They inject their content into DB and use this as a channel to steal the data. By worst case, the content becomes readable and get exposed to the hackers.

What technologies are used by hackers?

Hackers mostly use dynamic scripting languages like ASP.Net, PHP and Javascript.
SQL injection affects relational databases like MySQL,Oracle,Microsoft Access,MS SQL Server ,etc..

SQL injections fall into categories like First Order Attack and  Second-Order Attack

First Order Attack:

In this method, the hacker attack some strings to the input field and gains the response immediately

Second-Order Attack:

In this method, the hacker enters the malicious code into the database table and later access it with a third party ie another activity

Tips to prevent SQL injection attacks

1.       Strong server-side validation is recommended
2.       The stored procedure may prevent some sort of attacks
3.       Patches can be used
4.       Never allow the special characters in the user inputs
5.       Minimize the usage of executable SQL commands in SQL server

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Marmalade Developer Offer is Back

Marmalade is a cross platform IDE mainly used for making mobile applications. Its a cross platform IDE and thus it facilitates coders to code it once and deploy it for multiple mobile platforms.

What is more exciting about it ?

They came with a new offer that can fetch you the following things :

  • $100 PayPal gift voucher
  • A priority review for Windows Phone Store promotion
  • A developer account token for the Windows Phone Store
  • A license to Windows 8.1 Pro (worth up to $200)
  • A Windows Phone device (at Microsoft’s discretion and subject to availability)
  • A Marmalade Indie license (worth $500)

If you are a windows developer,its more simple for you. Just check your existing windows app in the store and compare it with following criteria.

  • Have received a 3 star rating or above and/ or your game has at least 5,000 installs (if premium/paid) or 50,000 installs (if free-to-play)
If your game does not meet the above criteria, it can still qualify. Submit it for evaluation and your entry will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Whether your game has innovative content and is clearly differentiated from other games in the same genre
  • Developer track record in shipping quality games on mobile or other platforms
  • Overall quality of the user experience and presentation

Are you a fresh developer, then get more details from the below link.. 

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

SEO Copywriting

Effective SEO Copywriting should give a clear view of the idea flashed  in your mind. It can improve the link building. ” Who what why” can act as the popular keywords. Using Numbers also will attract some users. For example,” Top 10 Programming Sites”
Effective quotes can gain some impact.

General Tips:
Interlink your articles and Have useful external links for better performance.

Also I have mentioned the other tips that I came across!

Present the content well: 
If the search engine comes across the similar words again and again, then it will consider your content as spam .So be aware of it and present the content well.

Keyword density 
Keyword density is a probability of keyword or a keyword phrase, in proportion with other words, appears on a Web page. Overall keyword density increases with the increase in the usage of keywords. The more times that other words appear, the lower the possibility of keywords, thus it leads to lighter keyword density
The italic words are considered as the keywords by the search engine.So notify the search engine with the italic words .

META tags 
Google will get impressed if the TITLE and DESCRIPTION tags are similar or identical.

Numbered lists 
Try to use numbered content to get listed first . For example “10 easy tips to optimize the site “.This will maximize your output .

File names 

File names with keywords will be an added advantage.

Search Engine and Directory Submission
Directory submission is one of the very simple and must one to do to reach the target audience . For example, try
Keyword stemming
keyword stemming is a a very useful tool in the world of SEO.The process of keyword stemming involves adding a prefix, suffix, or plurals to make the popular keyword into a new word.This is one of the main process that helps in increasing the website trafiic. 

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Keyword Tool For SEO

When we googled the word "Key word Tool" we will get The Google Adword Keyword Tool link. By clicking that link, we will be directed to that page. There the keyword  related to our site should be entered and searching should be done. By using this, we can find the competition for that particular keyword. Also the competition, global monthly searches of related keyword will be displayed that gives a brief idea.

So this will be a right place to begin the keyword researchVARIOUS STEPS IN KEYWORD ANALYSIS

This step is most important and probably the easiest one and you can complete it in 3 simple steps without any additional software or paid programs offered on the market.

1] Making Analysis with people:

1. Use your network of friends and relatives to know, what phrases or words they use during their search and keep them in a list
2. Google them and your task will be more simplified as google throws you the details of similar searches.
3. Use Google Wonder Wheel- This tool shows you the all related searches by their popularity .You can find the related search circle that make sthe process much more simpler. Have the list you collected in hands and use this Google Wonder Wheel to find the path of success.

2] Find the Influence of Keywords

Next big thing is to find the influence of the keyword that you going to use. Atleast 1500 people must have used it in a month so that you can go with it. Just find the probability of the keyword in internet before you shortlist it.

3] Define your competition and find the relevant keywords

Sitemap Creation

By placing a formatted xml file with site map on your webserver, you enable Search Engine crawlers (like Google) to find out what pages are present and which have recently changed, and to crawl your site accordingly.

G Mapper Tool may be used to generate  sitemap .

Use the following link to generate a site map.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

SEO : Keyword Analysis

Keywords, as the name signifies they are the key items that are going to promote your site in the list made by the search engines. We can define a keyword as a single word or a combination of two or three phrases.. keyword analysis is the term or name given for the research made to find , what exactly the customers are looking for or typing during their search and what exactly he have to use to catch their attention or search engines attention.

Keyword discovery tools

Search marketing efforts can be greatly improved by the usage of Keyword discovery tools but they are bit costly to use.

Analyzing keywords allows you to:

Optimize Spend: Distribute budget based on the worth of the word used ie spend more on the words that fetch more benefits and spend low on the words that fetch you no use.
Increase Conversions: Always keep conversion rate optimization and return on investment (ROI) on mind

Eye Trends: Keep an eye on the current marketing trends and keywords

Prioritize Your Time: Prioritize areas that you have to concentrate more to keep yourself alive in the market.

Find New Markets: Use keyword analysis to grow your business and keep looking fr the breaking trends

Why Keyword Analysis ?
1) Targeting right audience
2) Getting lots of relevant traffic
3) Focusing on targeting geographic location
4) URL and Title Tag

Google focuses straight on the domain name and title tag to rank your site. The first and most important part of your on-page SEO is the title tag (<title></title>). You can find the title tag at the  top left of your page, where name and description will be given. Many people who outsource a site in a WYSIWYG editor completely forget about the last of the meta tags that still gives some quality ranking love from search engines.

A website's title tags are very important for several reasons:

1) The title tag shows up in search results as the blue link, and a good one helps the site get more clicks and visitors from search results.
2) Title tags are a crucial SEO element that can help the website show up higher when people search for the words in it.
3) Title tags show up when web pages are shared on social media sites like Facebook. This is important because social media mentions are now a ranking factor in Google search results.

The Things not to be done while framing title tags:

The term Home Page does not shower you any type of ranking so better avoid them in the title tags
Domain name can add significance to the site search ,which can be displayed during the listing
Though the title tag plays a significant role, length of the keyword is also the important factor. Search engines display only the first 70 characters of a web page's title tag and rest of the tag words are discarded. Also a short tag cannot turn the attention of the people so it’s better to choose the
Too many keywords will never help you in achieving the top list. Search engine will consider it as spam if too many keywords are added.

Monday, 6 October 2014

SEO Recommendations

Anyone who blindly using Search Engine Optimization techniques will not fetch fruitful results as expected.Sometimes, the search engines may find it as a spamming, though you did it genuinely. A kind of strategy should be used to ripe desired results. A lot of strategies exist that can boost your site to get listed at the  top during the google search .

There are certain recommendations that I can share here, so that you can build your site with some good Search Engine Optimization Techniques!

1) The pages that are created intentionally to trick the search engines to produce an inaccurate or poor quality results is termed as spam by most of the search engines. SPAM Detector tools are available to verify the site by ourselves.

What is a SPAM Detector?

Some people take advantage of the concept of Search Engine Optimization by making spam sites containing low quality content .But still google will display those sites at the top! The only reason behind that is that, these spammers use the concept   of Search Engine Optimization to trick the search engine by some means.

Spam Detectors are the tools that help us in knowing the spam sites . Its very easy for anyone to identify the spamming site.

I have given the link of the spam detector I have used myself during my intern project

Few tactics that are considered search engine spam.

These techniques include:

1.  Keywords unrelated to site
2.  Redirects
3.  Keyword stuffing
4.  Mirror/duplicate content
5.  Tiny Text
6.  Doorway pages
7.  Link Farms
8.  Cloaking
9.  Keyword stacking
11.Hidden text
12.Domain Spam
13.Hidden links
15.Page Swapping (bait &switch)
16.Typo spam and cyber squatting

Spam sites will be strictly punishable once they are filtered by the search engines.

2) Digging for Keywords

Keyword Research is the very important thing to be done .Try to find the keywords that can hunt most of the users. Login into Google Analytics. Discover trending keywords using advanced segments. Also, the other things to be tracked are listed below:

New Visits
% Exit
Bounce Rate
Avg. Time of Page

3) Narrowing Down Your Keyword Selections

General list of keywords  can be easily generated by the Google Keyword Tool. But we can fix only few trending keywords ie. Narrowing down of keyword selection is necessary.

1. Eliminate the keywords with more competition.
2. Add geographical location as a keyword to attract the local users.
3. Choose at least one keyword for each core category in the site.
It is the very important phase in Search Engine Optimization .Choosing the right keyword will help your site to get listed at the top !Thus Search Engine Optimization helps in building  good traffic every day to your site .


It includes following issues,

1) Some editorial links need no specific actions and all they expect is the worthy content. So these links bring more advantage which have no connection with Search Engine Optimization.
2) We can submit our links via blog or mail to a list. We can submit our directories at various sites and that may gain us the attention of users or at least convince them to move towards us.
3) Getting reviews from users and listing them in our page will not produce us, very great results but still we can expect it to have little impact.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

C++ Interview Questions

1. Name the operators that cannot be overloaded.

sizeof, ., .*, .->, ::, ?

2. What is a dangling pointer?

A dangling pointer arises when you use the address of an object after its lifetime is over. This may occur in situations like returning addresses of the automatic variables from a function or using the address of the memory block after it is freed.

3. How do I call a C function from C++?

Just declare the C function ``extern "C"'' (in your C++ code) and call it (from your C or C++ code)

4. Is C a subset of C++?

In the strict mathematical sense, C isn't a subset of C++. There are programs that are valid C but not valid C++ and even a few ways of writing code that has a different meaning in C and C++. However, C++ supports every programming technique supported by C. Every C program can be written in essentially the same way in C++ with the same run-time and space efficiency. It is not uncommon to be able to convert tens of thousands of lines of ANSI C to C-style C++ in a few hours. Thus, C++ is as much a superset of ANSI C

5. What is inheritance?

Inheritance is property such that a parent (or super) class passes the characteristics of itself to children (or sub) classes that are derived from it. The sub-class has the option of modifying these characteristics in order to make a different but fundamentally related class from the super-class.

6. What are instance variables?

These represent an object's private memory. They are defined in an object's class.

7. What is a super-class?

Given a class, a super-class is the basis of the class under consideration. The given class is defined as a subset (in some respects) of the super-class. Objects of the given class potentially posses all the characteristics belonging to objects of the super-class.

8. What is an object in C++?

An object is a package that contains related data and instructions. The data relates to what the object represents, while the instructions define how this object relates to other objects and itself.

9. What is polymorphism?

Polymorphism refers to the ability of an object to respond in a logically identical fashion to messages of the same protocol, containing differing types of objects. Consider 1 + 5 and 1 + 5.1. In the former, the message "+ 5" is sent to an object of class integer (1). In the later, the message "+ 5.1" is sent to the same integer object. The form of the message (its protocol) is identical in both cases. What differs is the type of object on the right-hand side of these messages. The former is an integer object (5) while the later is a floating point object (5.1). The receiver (1) appears (to other objects) to respond in the same way to both messages. Internally, however, it knows that it must treat the two types of objects differently in order to obtain the same overall response.

10. What is operator overloading?

It is the process of, and ability to redefine the way an object responds to a C++ operator symbol. This would be done in the object's class definition.

11. Define Copy Constructor.

A copy constructor is invoked when you initialize a new object of a class using an existing object. This will happen when:
You pass a copy of an object as argument to a function (i.e. when passing by value).
When you return an object from a function
Or initialize an object during declaration using another object.
If we don’t specify a copy constructor, the compiler already has a default copy constructor.

12. What is the difference between overriding and overloading?

An overrided method redefines an existing method in a superclass to specify a new behavior. Overloading means that you have multiple methods with the same name but with a different parameter list.

13. What is inline function?

When you call the function, execution of the program jumps to those instructions, and when the function returns, execution jumps back to the next statement in the calling function. Performance degradation occurs in jumping into and out of functions. When a function is small, the program can be speeded-up using inline functions. The use of inline functions avoids have the program jump into and out of the same function over and over again.If a function is declared with the keyword 'inline', the compiler does not create a real function; it copies the code from the inline function directly into the calling function. No jump is made.

14. List down the advantages of class templates

One C++ Class Template can handle different types of parameters.
Compiler generates classes for only the used types. If the template is instantiated for int type, compiler generates only an int version for the c++ template class.
Templates reduce the effort on coding for different data types to a single set of code.
Testing and debugging efforts are reduced.

15. Write a short notes on recursion with example.

Recursion is defined as a function calling itself. It is in some ways similar to a loop because it repeats the same code, but it requires passing in the looping variable and being more careful. Many programming languages allow it because it can simplify some tasks, and it is often more elegant than a loop.
void recurse()
void main()

Is it possible to accept command line argument in C++?
Yes, In C++ it is possible to accept command line arguments. To do so, you must first understand the full definition of int main(). It actually accepts two arguments, one is number of command line arguments, the other is a listing of the command line arguments.
   int main( int argc, char *argv[])

17. Explain typecasting.

Typecasting is making a variable of one type, such as an int, act like another type, a char, for one single operation. To typecast something, simply put the type of variable you want the actual variable to act as inside parentheses in front of the actual variable. (char)a will make 'a' function as a char.
18. What’s the difference between public, private and protected?
A member (either data member or member function) declared in a private section of a class can only be accessed by member functions and friends of that class
A member (either data member or member function) declared in a protected section of a class can only be accessed by member functions and friends of that class, and by member functions and friends of derived classes
A member (either data member or member function) declared in a public section of a class can be accessed by anyone

19. What are some advantages/ disadvantages of using friend functions?

Member functions and friend functions are equally privileged. The major difference is that a friend function is called like f(x), while a member function is called like x.f(). Thus the ability to choose between member functions (x.f()) and friend functions (f(x)) allows a designer to select the syntax that is deemed most readable, which lowers maintenance costs. The major disadvantage of friend functions is that they require an extra line of code when you want dynamic binding.

20. What’s the difference between the keywords struct and class in c++?

The members and base classes of a struct are public by default, while in class, they default to private.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

How I Start Writing About Search Engine Optimization !

Just today, when I was digging my Materials folder in my desktop, I found lots of stuffs that I dumped under the topic SEO .Yes, Its Search Engine Optimization. I was working as a intern during my last summer for a company and I was assigned the task to analyse various stuffs about Search Engine Optimization. 

Earlier I found it boring, But later I found the real worth behind this task of Search Engine Optimization (Popularly called as SEO) . So I made documentations with some sort of interest and started learning the SEO. 

Just after a minute of having the history flashed in my mind, I thought of sharing all the stuffs I prepared during my internship to all the readers here.

For some time, I will publish the materials that I prepared from various sources here and feel free to post your comments as I crossed a long way in the domain of SEO and I hope I can help you out at least to some extent if some sort of help required!

Optimizing the site to get listed at the top during the search you made through various search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.  is an art and business of course (If I am not wrong) .How can a site opened few months back can impress millions of viewers everyday ? I can guess your answer. Yes many of you will say me the answer “By providing some quality content “. Yes, Of course you are right. But what if , millions of sites getting registered every day comes up with a quality content  . Here the issue emerges! The competition arises between the quality sites that holds equally quality content. There comes the Savior Search Engine Optimization .

Search Engine Optimization is the technique that helps Google in finding the right site to get listed at the top. Various sub topics exist inside Search Engine Optimization which should be mastered before you start optimizing the site.

Starting from keyword analysis to the use of Google analytics tool, lots of process involved in optimizing a site. I have made few articles that may help you in your mission of optimizing the site .

Happy Journey with SEO ! 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Search Engine Optimization : Part 1

You may own a fantastic site regarding shopping, mobile reviews, marketing, blogging, etc.. But why your site is not getting displayed at the top during google search? Have you ever wondered of it? Does it have some logic behind?

Yes Of Course!! Many reasons are behind it! Google will never display some content at the top without having some sort of logic! It’s not only about your content, popularity, length  or period of existence !!   

The main reason, why few sites are displayed on the top of the google search is Search Engine Optimization! If you want a brief intro check my previous article!

In this article, I have discussed about the tools used in search engine optimization. I remember, I made this article long back for my internship purpose and just thought of sharing with you all!
The first and foremost tool to be employed in optimization is Google Insights for Search . It’s very necessary to analyze the keywords involved in the Google ranking. By using the appropriate keyword, we can increase the site ranking .Also, it’s very important to analyze the speed of our site so that we can enhance the speed after spotting the missing term. For this purpose, we can employ Google web master tool that checks the website speed.

The websites are recognized by the users based on their visibility in the first page. So every site tries to list their names in the top of the opening page. The text that exists in the hyperlink can be exactly tracked and the number of keywords can be increased. The keywords expected by the search engine should be initially analyzed and used properly. It’s important to find the related sites and we can make a comparison to put our site on top of the list. Web Master Tool may be helpful in achieving this.

So start with web master tool and Google analytics tool. Then, try comparing the existing keywords of the site with the required keywords to be added. Also the speed of the site can be analyzed to enhance the performance.

The context representing our site should be of high worth and it should be able to impress the attention. Regular monitoring of broken links should be done. The troubles made by the Search engine spiders should be overcome. The web server should be well designed to report the modification to the Google. The googlebot crawlers should be under consideration.

Also the site should be tested under different search engines. It was recommended not to use the unauthorized sites to check the quality of the site and not to use the hidden words.


1.Keyword Analysis
2.Competitor Analysis
3.Metatag optimization
4.Alt Tags optimization
5.Anchor tag optimization
6.Content optimization
7.Canonical issue
8.Search Engine friendly URL
9.Heading Optimization
10.Keyword density
11.Sitemap creation
12.Usability and Accessibility
13.Google Analytics
14.Web Master Setup
15.Browser Compatibility
16.HTML Optimization

How Google Works ?

Basically, Google includes three main parts that includes a Google Bot, indexer and a query processor. Google bots, a search engine spider retrieves thousands  of pages simultaneously and provide the information to the indexer. It crawls over the web and search for the particular pages and it also considers the add URL form. The Google bots add the fetched pages into the queue of the indexer. But, these bots are in the need to overcome some spamming problems like duplicate contents, cloaking, hidden text, domain spam, hidden links, typo spams. Bots are programmed in a such a way to differentiate the automated codes.

The Google index database stores the datas collected by the bots. Alphabetically sorted index helps in easy retrieval. The task of the query processor is to evaluate the queries and matching the verified documents. After successful evaluation, the pages are ranked based on the position of pages in page rank data structure.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Collections in Java :Part 1

Collections is a very special class in java. It includes collection framework which is classified into List, Set and Queue.
Let’s discuss an overview first, then in detail!

Collections includes three things .
                    1) List
                    2) Set 
Someone may remember a term Map right now. It doesnot belongs to collections however,we discuss it later.

List include three things.They are
                  1)Array List

Set Includes:
                   1)Hash Set
                          -Linked Hash Set
                   2) Sorting Set
                           -Navigation Set

Queue Includes
                    1) Priority Queue
                    2) Blocking Queue
                           -Priority Blocking Queue
                          -Linked Blocking Queue

Main use of collections is :

It is used for data transfer ie it holds the transfer the object .

Requirements to transfer the object :

1)To transfer the objects,they should be serializable

Here in collections, all objects are already serializable .As well they are clonable .

What is mean by clonable ?

When the objects are transferred from one place to other,they are not disturbed at the other end. At the other end they are cloned and operations are done on the cloned objects .So any misdeeds will not affect the original objects.


List is used when the order of insertion is very significant and duplication is not at all a problem.

Why we are going for Array List from Array ?

First let me explain ,Why we are using Array. 

To store one value we use the syntax as ,
datatype variable_name=1;
ie a=1;
To store another value, we can go for 
But what if we want to store some 5000 values .Is it a best practice ? No. It is a worst practice to use the separate variables to store the values. So we are going for array .

Then why ArrayList ? Yes consider a situation when you declared a variable and stored 5000 values in array ie a[5000].But just think,what if you want to add another value to that particular array.Here comes a problem and the solution exists with the Array List. Yes ArrayList is extendable or growable in nature so its an easy task to add any element after some time .
Ex: ArrayList al=new ArrayList()

Three important constructors used in Array List :

ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
ArrayList al = new ArrayList(int Capacity); 
ArrayList al=new ArrayList(Collecton C); 

If you dont know the count to be used ,then arraylist is the excellent choice since it is growable. But nothing in this world comes with free of cost right ? Yes of course . It applies here too. 

When you insert some element in the middle of the Array List,then it replicates another list by including the new element.This leads to the performance degradation. 

Do you know,what will be the capacity of the new list formed ? 
You can calculate it with the following formula.

New Capacity = (Current Capacity*3/2) + 1

So if you know the capacity in advance,better use the constructor ArrayList al=new ArrayList(int Capacity) to mention the capacity in advance.

The constructot ArrayList al=new ArrayList(Collection C) is used for conversion purpose .

Other interesting fact about ArrayList is that,they implements random access interface .

Only ArrayList and Vector implements Random Access .

What is mean by Random Access ?

Random access interface helps in retrieving the elements allover the list with the same speed.Ie If retrieving the first element takes 1 second then same time is required to retrieve the kth element also. So Time taken is very less .

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Scala :Setting Trend

Scala is a modern programming language that turned the attention of more programmers especially the java programmers. Scala is the acronym of scalable language. It can be listed under object oriented, functional as well as scripting language.
Its easy for the current java programmers to learn scala .Java libraries or existing application code written in java is completely reusable with scala. You can call scala from Java and you can call Java from scala, the integration is seamless.
Similarities between java and scala are many.Javac is the java compiler,While Scalac is the scala compiler .Both Java and Scala produces the Byte Code.Scala is also supported by most of the Java .IDEs like NetBeans,Eclipse,etc
When we code something with scala,we can expect to solve more errors during compile time rather than the deployment phase. Scala supports operator overloading which is not supported by Java.  LinkedIn,EDFT,Twitter,Novell,theGuardian,Xebia,Xerox,FourSquare,Sony,Siemens,Thatcham,GridGain,AppJet,Reaktor and many others  use scala in a wide phase and expected to dominate soon.

In Scala, Every value is an object and every operation is considered as a method call .It also provides backward compatibility with java where we can take advantage of using traditional design patterns . Also implicit calls add a beauty to the language ie it allows you to add new operations to the existing class .Recursive dependencies also supported here in scala .
We can define scala as the Java without semi colons  ie semi colon syntax error . Usually we use Value types initiating with small letters like int,double,Boolean but in scala the initial letters are capitalized like Int, Double, Boolean instead of int.Instead of Java's import foo.*;, Scala uses import foo._.

Scala has the following properties
1)Polymorphioc Methods
2) Generic Classses
3)Variance annotations
4)Upper and lower type bounds
5)Compound Types

Hello World Program          
 object HelloWorld {
 def main(args:Array[String]){
println(“Hello World”)
Yes..! Scala is trend breaking . Most of the developers say,its gonna be the future of programming.Here ,a question arises in everyone’s mind.
Do scala Kill Java ?
Java 8, packed with productivity and trending features like  lambda expressions, methods, references, and functional interfaces is going to be available soon .  
And this question is interesting and even I have not started with scala. Lets wait and watch !
I will come up with a much more detailed article after having some hands-on coding with scala!!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Youtube Contest from Accenture

Accenture gives you a chance to get notified ! !
And you have more time to get creative !

All they expect is , a video (not more than 1 minute ) about Big Data or Cloud Computing .Just mail the Youtube link to !

  1. Participants need to choose one of the two topics:
    • a. How can a business get bigger using Big Data?
    • b. How can a company become successful through the use of Cloud Computinr 

For more details :

E Waste


E waste or electronic wastes refers to the electronic goods that are dumped out or discarded. Each year around 50 million ton of e-wastes are produced. Depending upon their nature of reaction , there are possibilities for dangers depending upon the situation. Discarded computers, batteries and other electro chemical wastes may results in unwanted results. So its important to be aware of e wastes in addition to the other physical wastes. This article sounds the fact of e waste management and recycling.  
Basel Action Network (BAN) estimates that the 500 million computers in the world contain 2.87 billion kgs of plastics, 716.7 million kgs of lead and 286,700 kgs of mercury. The average 14-inch monitor uses a tube that contains an estimated 2.5 to 4 kgs of lead. The lead can percolates into the ground water from landfills thereby contaminating it. If the tube is crushed and burned, it emits toxic fumes into the atmosphere.
Disposing e wastes by burning leads to major problems and it accounts a major part in air pollution. The unwanted chemicals produce the fumes that get mixed up with the air and it destroys the nature of the air. Sequentially, it attacks human during respiration. So the recycling should be done to use them efficiently again.
Causes for E Waste
Ø  Manufacture Technology of a Computer
Ø  Invasion of Technology
Manufacturing Technology of a Computer
To manufacture a computer 240 kg of fossil fuel, 22kg of chemicals and 1500kg of water are needed. Once the computers are thrown out they may leads to many serious problems. Burning of fossil fuels leads to global warming and green house effect occurs. Thus the temperature of the atmosphere is getting increased, just think off if 240 kg of fossil fuel burnt per computer. Carbon dioxide content is made maximum with the burning of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that enhances radioactive forcing and contributes to global warming
Invasion of Technology
Nowadays we can find computers in everyone’s home. It is estimated that there are over a billion personal computers in the world at present. The computers are becoming cheap so no one is bothering about its maintenance. In developed countries, computers have the life span of 2 years.

E waste management tips:
Ø  Don’t throw the waste cell phones, dumped systems into the land fills. Properly, deliver them to the organizations where recycling is carried out.
Ø  Get the electronic goods from the vendors who can take back for recycling.
Ø  Take care of life time of your hardware equipments and so that  e waste can be efficiently decreased
Ø  Big Industries may buy recyclers that can used for long time.
Ø  Support green engineering.
Ø  Citizens should turn their interests to use the recycled products
Waste minimization in industries involves adopting following methods for efficient waste management:
Ø  inventory management,
Ø  production-process modification,
Ø  volume reduction,
Ø  Recovery and reuse.
This article is made just to give the awareness of e wastes .Its the duty of every citizen to take care of their own electronic equipments and to recycle them. With the invasion of technologies, life is becoming comfortable but the nature is getting highly degraded .So Green Technologies should be welcomed for future world.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

HMI Developer Bosch INDIA-Walk in

Job Description
C++, UML, & OOAD
Usage of design patterns in UI development or any other area
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Embedded development tools & methodologies
GUI technologies like widgets, animations & graphics
Hands on Exp in any Multimedia applications
Embedded Linux
CCA, D-bus
Strong debugging skills with hands-on debugging on hardware
Multiple User interface & infotainment
Venue Details:

Cocoon Hotels,(A unit of Magarpatta Clubs & Resorts Pvt Ltd),
Magarpatta City, Hadapsar,


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Sunday, 21 September 2014

Human Area Network :

Red Tacton:

Everybody wants to make the life simpler and thus scientists of NTT Labs are trying to develop a new trend HAN [Human Area Network] in addition to the LAN, WAN & MAN that makes the transmission of signal, much simpler  through the human body. This new type of Network is popularly known to be Red Tacton. Its commonly known fact that  human body generates negative charges but a new research proved that communication is possible by just handing  a Red Tacton touch device in our pockets. All physical movements like touching, gripping, sitting, walking, stepping and so on are used as triggers for various processes of this equipment. In Red Tacton device, the extent to which the optical properties of the body are changed is detected by laser light which is then converted to an electrical signal by a detector circuit that makes the communication possible. It has broad application in the daily life of human and expected speed is 10 MBPS. A study said that it will not affect human body and even the multiple communications will not affect the speed. It can be used efficiently by astronauts and physically disabled people to have an easy communication. In this paper, I have discussed the principle, working and suggested the working environments where the Red Tacton Technology has huge role to play.

Let me give a brief intro :

Communication plays an important role in our life. Our life will be simple if safe, secure and easy communication is possible. An efficient intra body communication system is developed to provide a very secure, fast communication by NTT Lab known to be RED TACTON. Red- Warmth, T- Touch, and Acton- Action stands for RED TACTON .If we could use the human body itself as a transmission medium, then this would be an ideal way of implementing human area networks because it would solve at a stroke all the problems including low security, throughput reduction, and high network setup costs.

Lot of technologies is emerging everyday and they are getting implemented in various fields to make our life more convenient. We are familiar with the networks like LAN (Local Area Network), WAN (Wide Area Network); MAN (MetroPolitian Network) but here is the new type of Human Area Network which is popularly known to be Red Tacton.NTT.

Lab located at Japan is currently designing this technology. Red Tacton relies upon the principle that the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal can vary according to the changes of a weak electric field. They can be efficiently used in security, medical field, and the device communication field

Red Tacton employs a proprietary electric field/photonics Method, which overtakes the other methods in terms of communication distance, transfer speed, and interactivity. It is highly secure and impossible to get hacked. It is a high speed network and well suited for short distance communication. In future , where man is destined to reach new heights of technology ,a trend like RedTacton is likely to direct him in the right direction giving him hope and motivation than any other technology man is able to perceives on the human centered interaction

Saturday, 20 September 2014

SONUS Networks Through FreshersWorld : Interview Expereince

Just an experience to share !! 
May Benefit someone who is attending the SONUS Interview !!

Only students with eligible admit card are allowed to take the written test. Initially ,Candidates  were seated in the hall in some random order .Then ,they proceeded with an introduction .

Written Test:

Then hall tickets were verified and question booklets were distributed .Students  were given with options to select the options between testing and development .

Freshers world written  test  lasted for 2 hours ,that includes sections like Quantitative Aptitude,Verbal, C/C++,Java and Testing .No negative marks !Then,it was announced that, we can check the results in the freshers world site after a week .

Technical Rounds:

After some 15 days, the results were published on the freshers world site. Some 150 candidates are shortlisted based on their area of choice(Development/Testing).The selected candidates are asked to attend the technical round interviews at Sonus Networks,Banglore.

The Technical round 1 (Developer Profile)  was pretty good and they asked about basic data structures , programs,etc..All the students who attended Technical 1 are asked to attend Technical 2. In Technical 2, again few questions were given to be solved and it lasts for about 45 minutes.
Soon after the Technical round 2, the selected candidates were asked to attend the HR interview .

Final Results:

Final results were announced after  a month and offered with the position of their choice .

Following details are taken from official Sonus Site .

To learn more about how Sonus connects the world of today with the technology of tomorrow, visit us online at

Sonus at a Glance
Sonus connects the world through advanced network solutions that deliver reliable, scalable and secure communications for global service providers and enterprises. Sonus customers are comprised of leading communications service providers, telecommunications carriers and enterprises in more than 60 countries worldwide. Sonus products lead the industry in innovation and value, and include
.Session Border Controllers (SBCs), Diameter Signaling Controllers (DSC), SS7 Signal Transfer Points (STP), Policy and Routing Servers Pioneers in Innovation.In 1997, Sonus developed the world’s first carrier-class VoIP switch, ushering in a new age of high-quality voice communications
over IP networks. Since then, Sonus has remained committed to being at the cutting edge of communications. Sonus offered hosted voice services long before the Cloud craze, supported a multimedia network before the arrival of smartphones, introduced a second-generation SBC that’s the fastest-growing on the market today, and continues to anticipate the future with a complete
SIP session management architecture.

Sonus Facts

• Sonus is the fastest-growing SBC solution in the service provider market today
• Sonus equipment carries more long-distance VoIP minutes than any other vendor
• Four of the world’s five largest service providers rely on Sonus in their networks
• Sonus enables more than 5,854 SIP sessions per second
• Sonus has more than 100 patents and more than 200 pending
• Sonus has more than 1,000 employees across North America, EMEA, APAC and CALA
and Media Gateways. Sonus solutions are supported by a global services team with vast experience in the design, deployment andoptimization of blended legacy and SIP-based networks.

Good Luck for everyone !!

Friday, 19 September 2014

We Start Here ..!

How Can A Day Change Your Life !

Students are of different kinds ! Some score well as well as good with practical knowledge.Few have the capability to demo their skills but not in their exam paper. And other interesting category is that , students who masters the skills that is never related to their field !

In this mass pool of students,First decide which category you belongs to . First choose the path and start walking fast. Am I deviating from the topic ?

Oh..Okay Okay !! Let me reveal the magic .

How Can A Day Change Your Life ! Stay tuned .